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Organisations and Institutions

Collaboration, Cooperation and Consultancy


UN & International Agencies

UNESCO - Transboundary Aquifers - science, economics, law, hydro diplomacy

UNEP - Small Island Developing States - resilience to climate change, management of saline intrusion, regeneration after hurricanes

UN ECE - the Bug - Nemen Region - Central Europe biodiversity corridor, ecohydrology of wetlands, mesozoic transboundary aquifers

UN ESCWA - aquifers of the MENA region - inventory, water cooperation, aquifer regeneration 

OAS - ISARM Americas - continent wide inventory, development of prioritisation approaches, collaboration over conflicting approaches

SADC - GGRETA programme - Stampriet aquifers, model update for policy formulation


International Finance Institutions

World Bank - Aral Sea water & environment, Aralsk water supply, Kazakhstan seven river basins, Azerbaijan PRSP, Syr Darya delta environment, Kalimantan transmigration design and survey

Asian Development Bank - Kyrgyz and Kazakhstan Environmental Monitoring, Azerbaijan water supply rehabilitation

EBRD - Blended financing water - energy - environment programme for the Former Soviet Union countries, Montenegro coastal cities water sources
EU AIDCO - Central Asia environmental strategy, Aral Sea Basin Programme, East Europe & Caucuses Waste Governance

Islamic Development Bank - Gambia Deep Aquifers programme for enhanced rice paddy orrigation

African Development Bank - NEPAD investment for transboundary inter country investments

DFID / ODA - Indonesia irrigation enhancements, groundwater development programme in Central Java, 


Technical Assistance to Governments

IGAD Secretariat Inland Water Resources

Lesotho DWA National integrated catchment water & environment

Govt of Balochistan Revival of Water Resources for a low water use economy

Ministry of Coal Ukraine Sector Restructuring for environmental regeneration

Ministry of Water Azerbaijan Medium sized towns water supply investment strategy for rehabilitation

National Environment Agencies Kyrgyz & Kazakhstan environmental monitoring & management capacity building

Peru - Lima water resources and supply
Indonesia & Malaysia - irrigation and reliable water resources for sustainable food production

eSwatini - DWA update to national water master plan & water information systemt


Science to Policy organisations

International Association of Hydrogeologists - commission on transboundary aquifers, long term strategy for the association, support to early career professionals 

Water Policy Group - Water Futures - Coordinator working group on groundwater resources

International Water Resources Association - collaboration between international associations,

promotion of the priority topics in the global water agenda

National Ground Water Association - cooperation among professionals, raising awareness of science base for policy 

Institution of Civil Engineers - engineering - ecohydrology-hydrogeology-hydrology multi disciplinary collaboration

Geological Society of the London - science of hydrogeology, mentoring to younger professionals

Organisations & Institutions: Clients
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